Harvard astronomer Dr. Avi Loeb believes that aliens may have tried to contact us in 2017, when an object called ‘Oumuamua flew past Earth.
In a book published in early 2021, Loeb, who was the head of Harvard’s astronomy department, asserts that the object may have been extraterrestrial in origin.
When the elongated, red-colored object was spotted in space, both scientists and alien enthusiasts took notice. Not shaped like natural space objects like comets and asteroids, ‘Oumuamua was blunt in shape, measuring about a half mile in length.
The name ‘Oumuamua comes from the Hawaiian for “scout.”
Dr. Loeb believes aliens may be connected to ‘Oumuamua
While the majority of scientists who have studied the object believe it is natural in origin, Loeb argues that it wouldn’t be wise to rule out the alien hypothesis.