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Environmental groups file formal complaint against Greece over hydrocarbon extraction

December 20, 2023
environment, FEATURED


Three environmental groups have filed a formal complaint with the European Commission against Greece about hydrocarbon extraction. They argue that Greece is licensing exploration and extraction in marine areas off Crete and in the Ionian Sea without first assessing the serious repercussions on the environment and wildlife. They noted further that, as a practice, these activities are incompatible with climate neutrality goals.

The complaint was submitted on Thursday, last week, by the environmental organizations ClientEarth, WWF Hellas and the Greek office of Greenpeace. The organizations point out that, by licensing hydrocarbon exploration and extraction, Greece is systematically violating the directive on the protection of habitats and wildlife and the directive on the assessment of plans and projects in the environment.

According to the complaint, the Greek government, with the support of the Greek Parliament and Council of State, insists on allowing hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation projects at sea without properly assessing their impact.

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