Thousands of Americans are volunteering to fight in Ukraine after the Russian invasion of the country, with approximately 100 of them accepted so far into its own military, a Ukrainian military official said this week.
Major General Borys Kremenetskyi told the Associated Press that the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C., has received requests from about 6,000 individuals who are mostly American citizens, to volunteer for service since the invasion began. Those people who have been accepted up until now have past combat or helicopter piloting experience, the general noted.
Other sources say that there are at least 16,000 foreigners who are already part of a unit fighting on the ground in the country, with more set to join them.
Americans volunteering in Ukraine placed in territorial defense forces
Meanwhile, an unnamed State Department official told interviewers from the CBS affiliate television station KENS5 in San Antonio that the US is discouraging such activities. “We encourage all Americans not to travel to Ukraine right now and we encourage all Americans in Ukraine to leave the country now, since it is not safe.”