July 20, 2023
Society, Very Mix
The traffic restrictions in the inner zone of central Athens known as Traffic Ring or “Daktylios” will be suspended for cars as of Friday, 21 July, while measures remain in effect for trucks until the end of the year.
- This is THE JOKE of the year as everybody driving into “Daktylios” zone in the morning will see that the measure is not followed by motorists and there are no controls and this since months.
Restrictions were introduced to reduce air pollution in the city center, allow vehicles to enter the Daktylios zone only on alternate days, based on whether their number plate ends on an odd or even number and the date of the month.
The Inner Daktylios zone is bound by the following streets: Alexandras Avenue, Zaharof, Messoghion Avenue, Fidippidou, Michalakopoulou, Spyrou Merkouri, Vryaxidos, Hymettou, Ilia Iliou, Frantzi, Syngrou Avenue, Hamosternas, Pireos, Iera Odos, Konstantinoupoleos Avenue, Achilleos, Karaiskaki square, Karolou, Marni, Patission and Alexandras Avenue).
The measure of Daktylios restrictions usually goes into effect again in early autumn, either end of September or beginning of October.