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Eurobank : MoU for India-Greece-Cyprus Business Council

Eurobank and the Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to work towards the establishment of the India-Greece-Cyprus Business Council (IGC). The MoU was signed in the presence of the Ambassador of India, Mr. Shri Rudrendra Tandon, at the Indian Embassy in Athens.

The managing director of Eurobank, Fokion Karavias, welcomed the signing of the Memorandum and emphasized that Greece and Cyprus can be strategic entry points to the EU for Indian companies and investors.

He also highlighted Cyprus’ unique advantages as a dynamic technology and research hub and investment gateway to the European Union, as well as Greece’s diversified economy, which offers a wide range of investment opportunities for Indian investors.

Representative Office in Mumbai

In addition, he pointed out that this strategic cooperation with the ICC is just one of the many initiatives undertaken by the Eurobank Group to strengthen economic and investment cooperation between India, Greece and Cyprus. It is noted that Eurobank plans to establish a Representative Office in Mumbai, after receiving the required regulatory approvals.

As a first-of-its-kind initiative, the IGC Business Council will lay the foundation for strong bilateral business contacts and strategic partnerships, ICC President Ameya Prabhu said.

The Ambassador of India, Shri Rudrendra Tandon, emphasized that the Memorandum includes possible synergies with the economic corridor IMEC – India-Middle East-Europe, the resolution for which was adopted at the G20 summit in India and supported at the recent G7 summit in Italy.

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