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Eurobank: Dividend of over 9 cents per share

Eurobank aims to distribute a dividend of just over 9 cents per share (30% of its profits) for 2023, all in cash without repurchasing shares, CEO Fokion Karavias said during the teleconference held after the announcement of the bank’s results.

A dividend of 40% is expected for the profits of 2024 and 50% for the profits of 2025, while the possibility of a share buyback is not excluded, said the CEO of Eurobank.

Karavias predicted one more MREL release by the end of the year, specifically in the last quarter.

He also said that he was not worried about bad loans. More specifically, he noted that these will remain at 3% this year as well.

Regarding credit expansion, despite the repayments, he believes that the targets will be met and sees a 1.3-billion-euro net expansion in Greece and 1-billion-euro expansion abroad.

As far as the Cypriot market and the Greek bank are concerned, he is waiting for the next approval from the authorities for the percentage of Eurobank which has reached 55% and then he will make a public proposal for which he made no further comments.

Finally, he mentioned that the bank is preparing a new synthetic securitization.

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