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Piraeus considering investments; interest in Ethniki Insurance

Piraeus Group is examining and evaluating potential investments in sectors related to the financial sector, including asset management and insurance companies, according to an announcement.

More specifically, it said:

“Piraeus Financial Holdings informs the investment community that, as part of its strategy to enhance shareholder value and diversify its business model, it systematically evaluates potential investment opportunities that would contribute positively to its earnings and the efficiency of its capital structure.

In this context, Piraeus is currently evaluating various potential investments in the asset management and insurance sectors, among which Ethniki Insurance.

Any potential transaction will be compatible with the announced distribution plan and the Group’s other investment criteria, aiming to enhance the Group’s growth prospects further, thereby strengthening the diversification of Piraeus’s business model.

Piraeus will promptly inform the investment community in accordance with the applicable provisions should a reportable event arise.”

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